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Our Aim

With environmental sustainability seeming like a far fetched dream more than ever, Project VicTree was established for the community to work together and at the individual level. Unifying the efforts of all concerned citizens and translating it into visible actions and results is the end goal to achieve. We aim at fighting environmental  degradation with a sub-aim to contribute in solving other social issues. 

We are teens from every walk of life who have managed to find out easy,  eco-friendly tips and resources, which we want to share to help others. With the knowledge that teenagers are fairly inseparable from their internet connections, we realised that this platform was the best way to reach the most people. This is a project of love towards nature. We hope to positively portray the impact the nature in the minds of thousands of teens and their families across the globe. 

The Visison

Our plan involves distributing recyclable seed pencils at educational institutions, largely among the primary classes where there usage is the most.


The idea is that via these distribution drives, we could inculcate a cautious element in their personality at a young age so that they can grow up to be aware citizens who can successfully execute the mission to save Mother Nature. 


Additionally, while we were able to add to their knowledge, growth and indirectly promote afforestation, we felt that these items may offer financial assistance to extremely poverty-ridden households. 


A seed wrapped in a minuscule amount of clay meant just to be thrown on growing grounds to give life to a new plant - that is how a seed orb works providing the base for our second plan. 


The mobility and trouble-free nature of these orbs promotes and facilitates plantation drives to be conducted at a large scale, not limited to certain locations but also extends to the households of many. 


Seeds orbs are produced at a minimal cost by working individuals in the agricultural sector and have the potential of advancing the afforestation process at exponential rates.


Small Steps Towards A Better World 

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